
TERF Is The New Punk
by Sonya Douglas 

When Louise Distras said #TerfIsTheNewPunk I knew exactly what she meant.
When the Establishment drapes our streets in trans flags, demanding our pronouns, imposing yet another diversity program that dissolves difference
We Resist
When thugs gather to scream us down, threaten us with violence, join forces with the same law enforcement that lets them off their crimes
We Resist
When politicians take $$$ from Big Pharma to push social misery while their own children are identifying out of their sex in despair
We Resist
We sing the songs of Resistance 
We sing them to the sound of the chains you wear yourselves
This music is discordant, but necessary
We are Free People with Free Voices
We’re not tied to an ideology that must police our every move
We are Free to Think
Diverse in Opinion
Free to Dress However We Please
And so Terf is the new Jazz
Terf is the new Roots Rock Reggae
Terf is the new Punk
And we are #TheSoundOfResistance
Come on and learn the words
